Little Girl Blue: A Sad Poem
A Sad Poem: Backstory
I'd like to think that most writers and or creatives are often faced with the choice of producing something that people will like verses what you want to produce. Sometimes, for the lucky, these are one and the same thing but other times, the conversation you want to have is not the one that will resonate well with your current audience. However I've learnt that, someone out there, somewhere wants to have that conversation with you so speak about whatever the hell you want.A Sad Poem - simply titled- is my declaration of my stance as a creative. I remember a few conversations I've had with people where they ask me why I write such depressing poetry. The people around me claimed that this kind of literature was too sad for their liking and that it said a lot about the author. At the time I didn't want to be seen as a sad person, I did not write my poetry to make other sad either- I still don't. I started feeling terrible for producing such "depressing" content and wished I wrote happier poems, but you can't produce what you are not.
'Sad poetry' is what has helped me navigate through my depression. Be it my own poems or others' works. They gave me a place to belong when I didn't want to be anywhere else. Yes, on the surface it may sound like it's just an uncomfortable, somber conversation but it is these very conversations that heal us. They help us understand what we want. Who we are and where we'd like to go. And some of the things we say will make people frown, no one will like it when you speak about how you don't like something the first time. The second time though - they'll accommodate you; and we're all happy at the end.
I am determined to talk about the uncomfortable things that people around me don't want to talk about. Because me not saying I'm sad doesn't make me any less sad and that's what this poem is about. Say how you feel, to everyone (I focus on my parents in this piece) who will listen. Make your opinions known. Because trying to pretend like everything is fine to keep the peace when it's not doesn't heal you and in the end doesn't keep the peace anyway. You will explode. If anything, having these types of conversations, has opened a door for me to be closer to those around me. To know that my family understand mental illness, that they've all faced hardship. I'm not alone and I don't have to face life alone. They are beginning to understand and respect my choices as an individual and that would not have happened if I had simply kept quiet about how I feel towards certain things.
Look, initially the reception may not be welcomed, but it's your story not theirs and if they don't take it as is: someone else will.
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I enjoyed the message of the poem...I enjoy your poems and I understand the reasons why you wrote this sad poem...I can't get wait to read more of your poems..Keep writing😍