Solutions and somethings to make you feel good :)

I've spent most of this week trying to protect my energy. I am well aware of the things that were taking place in the world around me and I feel the need to say that for me, hearing about such news and seeing disturbing scenes such as the ones that have been all over social media is a norm. I am part of the percentage of people who fall into every category of discrimination there could ever be. I have had this conversation and you have too and it's been shoved in your face all week. For that reason this week blog post will not add to the stress and anxiety but instead I'm hear to give you something to smile about and perhaps some tools to help you out.
picture take from Pulse headlines

Earlier this week a friend of mine shared a tweet about helping to protect your energy and ease some of the anxiety during this time. I will link it below.

With that said, here's my cute story:

The last 7 days have been spent in a weird state of euphoria. I was just really happy. I remember being on the phone with my crush (Yes he called but that's a story for some other time, haha) telling him that I was so happy that it was suspicious. This isn't to say that the week didn't have it's share of ups and downs. In fact it had just as much fuckery as the last week (If not more, all things considered) but I found myself able to bounce back from  that negative energy and continue on with my day. 

Here are the things I've been doing: 
  • I have been reading - A lot. and not just reading for the sake of it. but I've been reading on topics I am curious about things that get me excited and give me a reason to live. I've been researching my lifestyle choices, understanding my religion more and more. Honestly, writing about such topics has been such a pleasurable thing to do.

  • Next is meditation. No you don't have to spend three hours in your 'war room' seating like Buddha. I have simply been making time to breathe. Sometimes it's 5 minutes, sometimes it 2 hours. However long I need to calm myself down, consider my life, speak to God and connect with the universe within me. As well as being grateful, not only to the divine but to myself as well for taking time to pay attention to and take care of myself.

  • I have also been practicing honesty. This one is one that had my anxiety level spiking a little however I always felt better shortly after an honest conversation.

  • This one isn't going to make much sense but oh well: I've been drinking more water. I don't know but I'm sure it's helped in some way or the other. (lol)

  • Looking and listening to things that make me smile. I recently asked my friends to send me a bunch of memes and we spent  a good portion of the night just snickering away and that was a very good exercise. And because I'm in such a good mood, I also dug up the old feel good playlist and that honestly helps keep the feeling good momentum.

  • The last one is my favorite because I feel like as much as I have benefited largely from the things above this has been a good source of joy. I have been speaking to the people I love.  Just a regular conversation hearing about how their day has been and what they've spent the day doing. Even if it was the same thing they did yesterday it's still gives me a good shot of feel good hormones to hear from the people I love. 
Lastly I was want to say, as important as it is to pay attention to all that's going on and be aware
 and education others; it is just as important to not forget to take care of yourself. You don't have to feel pressured to take part in every debate occurring on social media or to post something or even say anything at all just because everyone else is. That stuff is exhausting. If you find yourself getting too emotional maybe it's time to log off Instagram honey and take a nap. Remember that you are loved and you matter and are deserving of life.

Protect your energy post:CLICK HERE

Some feel good music: Listen here

Some good Poetry: READ

Healing Images: Nature

As always if you'd like to purchase one of my books. Little Girl Blue Is now available on Amazon and Amazon Prime


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