The Journey Of the Creative: A poem

The journey of the creative


It’s a curse

To notice the way sunflowers sway with the moon

Even though they don’t like him

I see heaven’s smile in the sky sometimes

And rename myself thankful

For life is but a nightmare and a dream

A nightmare that is my dream


The breeze blows through my hair and I become weightless like a dandelion

I’m flying through the minds of all those who’ve hurt before

Looking through to my past life as a Spanish doctor

Loving and true

Hips wider that her guitar she dances every night to calm her relatives


I’m flying into a future where skyscrapers are not high enough to reach my hopes

Twinkling adventures in a city I’ve never been

Secret love affairs I have yet to encounter but have already felt and cried for


Crying leads me into the ocean

There I swim with the jellyfish

Find peace among the reeds and reefs

Smile and wake up alone in my bed

A dream that was once a nightmare

A nightmare that’s now my dream 


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