A Sad Poem : the title is simple, in contrast to the other work I had put out before this that almost always had some metaphor for a title. The poem itself has some complex parts but it all falls under this simple title. The title is also identifying what kind of poet I am. and how I may not change that just because sad things make people uncomfortable Stanza 1 + Poem structure : the poem takes the form of a few lines that are spoken out loud by the speaker and some in parenthesis, to indicate thoughts that are not said out loud. The thoughts are not said out loud because they may be seen as rude, and too honest, and are almost always in defense to what is previously said. The speaker almost wants to be heard but isn't quite ready to say what's on her mind so she unwillingly, compromises, by telling half truths. Stanza one is simply a thought she shares with us. We see that she longs to feel a joy that she seems to not be able to feel when she is by herself. Perhaps indicatin...