Little Girl Blue: Bed Peace

Bed Peace : Insomnia 

The second poem titled Bed Peace in this collection. This one would take a less metaphorical stance it's predecessor that spoke about racial supremacy in interracial relationships. I am actually speaking about getting  peace in bed. A peaceful night's sleep. 

It's no big surprise that I wrote this poem on a night when I couldn't sleep but I think what bothered me so much is how I had no sensible reason to be up that night. I was not thinking about anything, I wasn't stressing, I had had a busy day and had gone to the gym at the end of the day. I had every reason to pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow yet here I was; eyes wide open waiting for something to hit. 

I remember reading somewhere that peace was required for good sleep and it had me think: so if one has no peace in their heart could that be reason they would be tossing and turning and fighting to get some shut eye? 
And perhaps it is true, that even if you do manage to close your eyes and dream, that somewhere in your subconscious there is no real rest and that's why you wake up tired or have an unpleasant dream. Or like me not even have the joy of sleeping at all.

 No one has to preach about the effects of sleep on mental health, we've heard that speech recital. If you haven't it's coming for you soon and that's why this poem is in this collection. To remind us to pay attention to our sleeping patterns, to notice when something is wrong, so address it and find a way back to our Bed Peace.


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