Part 2: Mental Health and Art

The journey to recover from my depression is still ongoing. I will say that it has gotten easier after I learned how to release my emotions into my work. Discovering poetry in primary school was an essential step into being who I am now, since at the time when I found myself in a very dark place, listening to and reading poetry was the most emotionally freely thing I could do. I’ve always been a reader and used reading to escape my reality often. But poetry: it wasn’t something I could get into but it helped me understand and eventually learn how to explain to myself and others what was happening when I couldn’t explain it simply. I’ve always done well with metaphors. And when I began writing poetry I wrote about simple things like the clouds and the bathroom tiles, about the way the sun shone through the leaves while I waited for my transport back home after school. Finding the way that these things in nature represented situations that were present in my life. As a curious mind...